Modern Slavery Statement
At WSG Energy Services we recognise that slavery and human trafficking are significant human rights issues and are committed to taking appropriate and proportionate steps to mitigating the risk of these occurring within our business and our supply chain. With a global presence, and in accordance with The Modern Slavery Act 2015, we recognise the importance of our social and ethical responsibility within the communities we operate.
As a Group operating within the UK and various International locations, the key areas of our operations that could be affected by slavery and human trafficking as our directly hired employees, agency workers working on our behalf, subcontractors working on our sites, and the workforce of our supply chain to our business. The steps that we take to mitigate risks in relation to each of these areas are as follows:
• Employees
We verify that all employees have the right to work in the UK upon commencement of their employment
We make all employees aware of their working hours, leave and absence entitlements and other employment benefits via our induction process and Employee Handbook
• Agency Workers
We aim to only engage agency workers that are provided by suppliers on our Preferred Supplier List (PSL)
We require all PSL suppliers to (a) ensure their agency workers have the right to work in the UK; (b) confirm that they do not charge workers a work finding fee and (c) to have procedures in place to minimise the risk of recruiting forced or compulsory labour
• Subcontractors
We ensure their employees have the right to work in the UK
We want all sub-contractors to consider the risk of modern slavery in their supply chain
• Suppliers
We show due diligence to comply with UK laws on forced labour by conducting supplier chain audits.
Our Whistleblowing procedure allows any employee or third party to confidentially raise a concern. Training our employees to raise awareness and ensure we as a company mitigate risks.
The Group HR Manager is responsible for the contents of this statement, which will be reviewed and updated as necessary on at least an annual basis.
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